- scribe, Practice, Practice, PracticeTED talk organization- intro-end rehearsed, work on presentation slides, TRY OUT SLIDES BEFORE PRESENTATIONBring AWNM booksPresentation dates:Period 3: 5/15 (10), 5/19Period 5: 5/15 (10), 5/20Sign up for presentation orderPresentation Google Doc link: check permissions
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Scribe May 12
Monday, May 11, 2015
Scribe May 11
- scribe,
- Collect AWNM books
- We know we are asking a lot, but…
- HW: TED talk organization- intro-4 rehearsed,
- Presentation dates:
- Period 3: 5/15 (10), 5/19
- Period 5: 5/15 (10), 5/20
- Sign up for presentation order
Presentation Google Doc link: check permissions
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Scribe 5/6/15 Ethan Myers
In Class:
- Work day!
- Check Dan Pink Questions
- ETAC - Educational Technology Advisory Committee application
- Guest speaker today in forum re: Programming
- Kinsey's Survey: Please take it!
- Dan Pink's advice
- Read Meaning as well as Type I and Type X excerpt
- TED talk organization: intro - conclusion finalized, visuals
- Work on Visuals
Presentation Dates:
- Period 3: 5/15 (10), 5/19
- Period 5: 5/15 (10), 5/20
- Sign up for presentation order
- Presentation Google Doc link: check permissions
- Read Meaning, TED talk organization- intro- conclusion, visuals, begin memorizing (First 30 seconds), Meaning fishbowl tomorrow: 3 questions
Pierce Haltom -- Dan Pink Question
Are you a left brained or right brained person? Which one do you think is more important?
Sophie A Dan Pink Question
What made you want to share your ideas on right brained and left brained thinking?
Rachel Searle Dan Pink Question
What made you realize spirituality was important to meaning since many people do not recognize that as true?
Ji-Wei Ooi Dan Pink Question
Are you left or right brained?
Which of the topics in A Whole New Mind is your favorite?
Which of the topics in A Whole New Mind is your favorite?
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Ryan Snow - Dan Pink Question
"Many would agree that elements such as empathy and design are intrinsic to an ideal society, although individuals seldom initiate measures to consciously uphold these, which demonstrates a somewhat hypocritical "easier said than done" paradigm. What do you believe are the most significant actions that people can perform in their daily lives in order to catalyze the shift into predominantly conceptual ideology?"
Abby Grammer Dan Pink Question
Out of these six different things in "A Whole New Mind," (Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play, and Meaning) which one do you think is most important? Why?
Molly Jordan Little
May 5th 2015
- 1-1 Conferences over TED Talk
- Discussed TED talk organization
- Intro (Hook, Background Info, Thesis)
- 1st point
- 2nd point
- 3rd point
- Conclusion (TED wish/challenge)
- Timing of each point (this doesn’t need to be exact)
- Finalize TED talk organization, (Intro-Conclusion)
- Visuals for the first 2:30 sec of TED talk
- Read Meaning for fishbowl on Thursday
- 3 questions for fishbowl
- 3 extensions
- 1 quote question
- Good, indepth question
Jackie Durnford-Dan Pink Questions
How innate are the six abilities Pink talks about?
What is his vision on how these abilities be taught or strengthened in school?
What is his vision on how these abilities be taught or strengthened in school?
Jake Miles Daniel Pink Question
You published your book in 2005, in the 10 years since then have you seen any of your theories come true? Which ones?
Natasha Sandalcidi Dan Pink Question
Your book, A Whole New Mind, was published in 2005. How do you think things have changed? Do you still think that right-brainers will rule the future?
Tatiana Beasley Question for Dan Pink
This book seems very biased. Why don't you present the other side of the argument?
Dan Pink Question
Please post your question or questions you would like to ask Dan Pink on Friday, May 8th.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Scribe 5/4/15 Morgan McArdle
HW: Finish up Ted Talk rough draft and revise. Read meaning 3 questions, 1 textual based, 2 higher level thinking. Read special circumstances.
Fishbowl on Play
Main Ideas
Fishbowl on Play
Main Ideas
- Our priorities are changing, why don’t we have playgrounds and recess.
- How will art become more integrated into our society?
- How does one choose what they want to do when they don’t know what the future will be like?
Friday, May 1, 2015
Natasha Sandalcidi Scribe May 1, 2015
-Work on intro (if not done yet) and 1st body paragraph for final TED talk
-Read Play- Fishbowl on Monday, May 4
-Talked about layout for TED talk (see agenda)
-Got Rubric for Final, asked questions:
-Dress professional for presentation
-Must have at least 20 slides
-Work time
-Work on intro (if not done yet) and 1st body paragraph for final TED talk
-Read Play- Fishbowl on Monday, May 4
-Talked about layout for TED talk (see agenda)
-Got Rubric for Final, asked questions:
-Dress professional for presentation
-Must have at least 20 slides
-Work time
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Griffin H - Scribe - 4/29/15
-TED talk subject due Friday
-Read Play from AWNM - Fishbowl Friday
No More TED talk analysis blogs - focus on finals and finish the year strong
Advice from past-Smith-students
-don't get to nervous
-stress will hinder your ability to stay calm when you speak
-use gestures effectively but not too often
-try and avoid nervous habits
-talk about something you can relate too and connect to the audience with
-rehearse and rehearse
-take the day off before the performance
-write out your speech - kinetic learning/memory
Empathy Fishbowl Video:
Sorry for the angle
-TED talk subject due Friday
-Read Play from AWNM - Fishbowl Friday
No More TED talk analysis blogs - focus on finals and finish the year strong
Advice from past-Smith-students
-don't get to nervous
-stress will hinder your ability to stay calm when you speak
-use gestures effectively but not too often
-try and avoid nervous habits
-talk about something you can relate too and connect to the audience with
-rehearse and rehearse
-take the day off before the performance
-write out your speech - kinetic learning/memory
Empathy Fishbowl Video:
Sorry for the angle
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Abby Grammer Per. 3 Scribe - April 28th
23 minute class period today
- Read Empathy in "A Whole New Mind" (fishbowl is tomorrow)
- Have your final TED Talk subject by Friday
- TED Talk Intro due next Monday
What We Did/Talked About in Class:
- How to make your TED Talk better and how to hold the attention of the audience. You have to be passionate about your subject.
- End with TED Wish - give things out, tell the audience to do something, make them remember your topic.
- Don't put tons of words up onto slides for TED presentation. Give visuals.
- We saw a few examples of presentations that were mostly photos and had examples of the main idea. Use pictures and maybe have an automatic transition between slides.
- Asked questions about presentations for TED Talks.
- You can have a video in your presentation.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Middleton - Period 5 Scribe - 4 / 27 / 15
- Read Empathy (Fishbowl Thursday), 3 questions: extensions, 1 quote question
- Ted blog 5 - due tomorrow!
In Class
- watched Ted video for Blog 6 - Dave Eggers “My Wish: Once Upon a School”
- analyzed speaking style, visuals
- watched video (example of pecha kucha presentation)
- 20 slides automatically advanced every 20 seconds
- all about SIGNS
- Ted talk conferences- meet with Smith about topic
- topic must be finalized by Thursday (4/30)
- work time!
Abby Scribe 4-27-15
Due dates/homework:
- Fishbowl Wednesday
- Blog tomorrow
- Ted talk topic Finalized by Wednesday
- Watched the "My wish: Once Upon a School," by Dave Eggers
- notice Ted Wish
- Pecha-kucha, by Pink
- learn about the way to make a pecha-kucha
- 20 slides in 5 minutes
- Smith talked to individuals about their Ted talk topics.
- 15 minutes of work time
Friday, April 24, 2015
April 24th, Period 5 Scribe - Kira White
*short class for pep assembly schedule*
Weekend Homework:
Weekend Homework:
- Watch a TED video, either free choice or the one about Stress linked here or on Smith's website
- Blog post 5 due Tuesday (or Monday if you don't want to turn it in Tuesday...?) Post to personal language arts blog
- Read the next section of A Whole New Mind, Empathy with questions (one quote based) and annotations
- Don't forget to get your schedule finished, signed, and turned in
- Negative space
- How do we use it everyday?
- in text
- in logos
- How do our brains put pieces together to create new things?
- cooking recipes
- science experiments
- has a function
- looks good
- works well
- improve everything
- Lazy people and anti-motivation
- still be passionate but overwhelmed
- Dyslexia
- how does it actually affect people?
- side note: Dan Pink is left-brained and struggles to learn in a right-brained manner, which is why he wrote the book; to prepare us for change in our world and to open our minds.
- work a lot harder
- Just because it's in the book doesn't mean it's necessarily true
- Left Brain v. Right Brain
- does it even exist?
- who is he targeting with this book?
- What's the meaning of Symphony?
- big picture v. one piece of the picture
- collaborate to create
- What will happen after right brained people take over?
- You can't be successful without left brained (strike a balance)
- Is there a left brain and right brain population? What will happen to them? (silent majority)
- can't have one without the other
- "The guy who invented the wheel was an idiot, the guy who invented three more was a genius."
- opinion: dumb quote
- somebody needs to spark an interest, others can build off of it but it was still the first guy's idea
- Henry Ford assembly line
- idiot inventor, genius marketer?
- Gender Stereotypes
- depends on the person
- girls more feeling, boys more thinking?
- "when tests of masculinity/femininity are given to young people, over and over one finds that creative and talented girls are more dominant and tough than other girls, and creative boys are more sensitive and less aggressive than their male peers"
- difference between thinking but judging
- acceptance
- Boundary Crossers
- People who excel at multiple things will be more successful
- Can you be successful without being versatile?
- it doesn't matter how many things you are successful at
- you have time to find what you are successful at
- Will multitaskers be better at life? (girls better than boys?
- Does cultural background matter?
Scribe, Friday, April 24
Today, the blog post 4 and three questions over "symphony" were due by the beginning of class.
We had a fishbowl on "symphony" in A Whole New Mind.
We had a fishbowl on "symphony" in A Whole New Mind.
- The discussion of "right vs. left brained people" continued
- questioning the correctness and purpose that Pink had
- Linking this back to personality types
- sensitive vs. intuitive
- Doing things vs. Watching things being done and seeing how that teaches us differently and which one is "better" if one is.
- Also the discussion of value (which is more valuable)
- how it is all based upon perspective
- which is more important
- Girls vs. Guys in insecurities
We also worked on the sticky notes, trying to tape them and finish them up.
Blog Post 5 (Choice) was moved to being due on Tuesday next week instead of Monday.
Have a good weekend! Stay safe and have fun!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
April 23, 2015 Scribe- Jackie Durnford
- TED blog 4- due tomorrow,
- TED talk conferences: meet with Smith
- Brainstorm ideas for TED talk:
- Sarah Kay
- What do you know to be true?
- Compare lists?
- What are you passionate about?
- HW: Read Symphony, Symphony Fishbowl tomorrow,: 3 questions: extensions, 1 quote question, TED blog 5: free choice or possibly (Stress)Using Class Time wisely :-)Free Work Day-Smith encourages saving schedules for later and prioritizing TED talks
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Xavier Maier Period 3 Scribe - April 22, 2015
- Registration Signatures for Honors English Classes
- Scheduling Assistance from Mrs. Smith
- Confusion over Late S/R Blog Posts- Make sure you are getting them in on time
- Work Time on Blog
- Began TED Talk Final conferences- basic thesis ideas, feedback from Mrs. Smith, start thinking about how to implement different things from the TED Talks we've watched into our own speech
- Intro: Attention getter, background information, thesis claim
- Supporting ideas, points, and content
- TED challenge/wish
- Homework
- TED S/R Blog 4 due Friday
- Read "Symphony" from A Whole New Mind for Fishbowl on Friday, bring 3 questions (extensions), 1 of which is a quote based question
- Think about what you want to do for Blog 5 next week
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Katherine Hill Scribe - April 21, 2015
- Discussed Daniel Pink “The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us”
- Watched Clay Shirky “How Cognitive Surplus Will Change the World”
- Work Time
- Homework
- Read Symphony
- 3 questions, 1 quote question
- Prepare for Fishbowl on Friday
- Blog 4 due Friday
Monday, April 20, 2015
Madison Wacaser 4/20 scribe
We did our fishbowl on Story of AWNM.
Inner circle talked about the difference between fact and story, and the
Our third TED talk S/E is due tomorow.
Read Symphony so we can fishbowl Friday.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Scott C. Cooke Scribe 4/17
In Class:
Work day to finish TED Talk S/R #2
Sticky note wonder woman was completed
For homework:
Read the chapter story from WNM;read and annotate with 3 critical thinking questions with one question being quote based due on Monday.
Fishbowl on Monday
Blog Post #3 due Tuesday
Read chapter Story from AWNM (read and annotate with 3 critical thinking questions (one quote based)): due Monday as well... we will have a fishbowl.
Work day to finish TED Talk S/R #2
Sticky note wonder woman was completed
For homework:
Read the chapter story from WNM;read and annotate with 3 critical thinking questions with one question being quote based due on Monday.
Fishbowl on Monday
Blog Post #3 due Tuesday
Read chapter Story from AWNM (read and annotate with 3 critical thinking questions (one quote based)): due Monday as well... we will have a fishbowl.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Scribe 4/16/15 Mackenzie Johnston P5
Today we went to the forum and learned a little about how scheduling works. We received our packets and learned that the first yellow page is due the 27th at 2:30. You then also must make your schedule online on portal. Make sure you have alternate courses in case they can't fit you into the class you want, especially essentials.
For homework...
Blog post #2 is due tomorrow but we will have time to work on it in class.
Start reading "7 reasons carrots and sticks (often) don't work": due Monday
Read chapter Story from AWNM (read and annotate with 3 critical thinking questions (one quote based)): due Monday as well... we will have a fishbowl.
Tomorrow we will watch an animation of Design from AWMN and then we will get the opportunity to finish the sticky note project!
Have a great day.
Today we went to the forum and learned a little about how scheduling works. We received our packets and learned that the first yellow page is due the 27th at 2:30. You then also must make your schedule online on portal. Make sure you have alternate courses in case they can't fit you into the class you want, especially essentials.
For homework...
Blog post #2 is due tomorrow but we will have time to work on it in class.
Start reading "7 reasons carrots and sticks (often) don't work": due Monday
Read chapter Story from AWNM (read and annotate with 3 critical thinking questions (one quote based)): due Monday as well... we will have a fishbowl.
Tomorrow we will watch an animation of Design from AWMN and then we will get the opportunity to finish the sticky note project!
Have a great day.
Julia Zelaya Scribe 4/16/15
In Class:
- Registration meeting in the forum
- Revived a packet with information
- Ask your counselor if you have any questions
- Second S/R due Friday
- Work on Blog 2: Free Choice
- Read: “Seven Reasons Carrots and Sticks (Often) Don’t Work”
- Read Story: 3 questions: extensions, 1 quote question
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Aiden White Scribe - Period 3 - 4/15/15
In Class:
- Pass Out "Seven Reasons Carrots and Sticks (Often) Don't Work . . . "
- (Next excerpt from Drive)
- Check TED Blog #1 (Sir Ken Robinson)
- Fishbowl: Design
- Read "Seven Reasons Carrots and Sticks (Often) Don't Work . . ."
- Prepare for next fishbowl (3 Questions - 1 from text) - Monday
- Blog #2 (Free choice) due by the end of class on Friday
- Go to forum for counselor registration
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Collin Hayes Scribe 4/14/15
What we did:
Design in Politics
Watch Sir Ken Robinson TED talk
Work on Blog post 1: Ken Robinson
Read Design
Read "The Rise and Fall of Motivation 2.0"
Blog 1 due tomorrow
Read Design and three questions
Blog 2 due Friday
Design in Politics
Watch Sir Ken Robinson TED talk
Work on Blog post 1: Ken Robinson
Read Design
Read "The Rise and Fall of Motivation 2.0"
Blog 1 due tomorrow
Read Design and three questions
Blog 2 due Friday
April 14 - Scribe by Katherine Hill Period 3
- Passed out and read “The Rise and Fall of Motivation 2.0”
- Plus and Minus for Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Logo “Design In Politics”
- Worked on Sticky Notes
- Homework
- Sir Ken Robinson “How Schools Kill Creativity” TED Talk Summary Response Due Wednesday (Tomorrow)
- Make sure it is posted to personal blog
- Second TED Talk Summary Response Due Friday
- Prepare for Fishbowl on Design (Wednesday)
- 3 questions, one text based question
- For more questions, look at Smith’s Blog
- Google Celebrates the 155th Anniversary of the Pony Express with an interesting game
Monday, April 13, 2015
Allie Highsmith Scribe 4/12/15
Homework: Blog 1 (Sir Ken Robinson)- due Wednesday posted to personal blog, read design- prep 3 questions: 1 quote question
Hearing and vision testing
Scott's birthday
Mrs. Brock continued...
Hearing and vision testing
Scott's birthday
Mrs. Brock continued...
- Thinking vs. Feeling
- How to make decisions
- thinking= objective mindset, very competitive
- feeling= rational decisions based on internal values, personal best
- If your mom says that you can have a party with ten people, thinking types would easily go with the limit, but it'd be harder for a feeling type to do that.
- Thinking types, when interested in something, tend to criticize it, whereas feeling types would just go with it unless the problem was very important.
- More gender specific than any other categorization, about 50% of males are thinking types and 75% of females are feeling types.
- Grouped into categories of NT, NF, ST, SF, we said "some day we aspire to be..."
- NF= Someday we aspire to spread peace, love, harmony, etc.
- NT= Someday we aspire to be more loaded than you.
- ST= Someday we aspire to succeed, explore the world, and do something important in life. (Win)
- SF= Someday we aspire to be more loving, be successful, expand our mindsets, try new things and seek adventure, stand up for what we believe in, and be good to each other.
- When we mix the two middle types, it shows motivation.
- Sensing used paper vertically, Intuitive used horizontally.
- Sensing uses how they know, Intuitive uses however they want.
- Thinking want to win, Feeling want to improve world around them.
- Judging vs. Perceiving
- How to orient your world
- Judging= love organization and control, all about deadlines perceiving= experiencing life, non-time-oriented
- How you are on vacation= perceiving take each day as it comes, judging is all about future
- I can play anytime vs. I can play when my work is done
Friday, April 10, 2015
Scott Cooke Scribe 4/10
Scott Cooke Scribe
April 10, 2015:
In class:
- Turn in “What’s your sentence?” today
- Mrs. Brock came in and discussed personality types
- Extraversion vs. Introversion
- Sensing vs. Intuition
- Get a jump on Sir Ken Robinson’s Ted Talk S/R
- Read the “Design” Chapter in WNM, 3 questions, extensions, and 1 quote question
- Read “The puzzling puzzles of Harry Harlow and Edward Deci”
Meeting on Tuesday, April 14 for Honors at 6:45 or 2:30 in E9
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