Friday, February 27, 2015

Period 3 Feb. 27, 2015 Finn Webster

Finn Webster

  • Tech issue groups: do you know who to contact?
  • edit intro, 1, 2, and 3, compose solution paragraph: USE Writing Revisor (ahswarriors)- analyzes your essays
  • HW:conclusion paragraph (Saturday); website (Sunday), all put together for Monday; put writing into Writing Revisor at least once
Tech Adds (to your website)
  • Links
  • Images
  • Audio
  • Videos
  • Extensions
  • Chart/ Graphs
  • Font
  • Color
Gathered into groups depending on what website editor/ company you used to create your website (Wix, Weebly, Prezi, and Sqaurespace). Used this time to help others with questions about how to make their website/use their website. Then worked on papers individually and with our groups.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Period 3 Scribe February 26 - Kirk Zieser

Kirk Zieser
  • Redo intro, paragraph 1, and paragraph 2
  • Write paragraph 3
What we did in class
  • Make sure to give Mrs. Smith your link here!
  • On your essays, remember...
    • no personal words, no contractions, no hypothetical questions, no questions without answers, citations, lead-ins, etc..., expand your vocabulary
  • We met in groups for either group editing or work-time
    • Find info for peer editing here and here
    • See the essay rubric here

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Izzy Branscomb Scribe 2/25/15


  • Redo intro and 1st body paragraph- Word choice
  • Write 2nd body paragraph 
  • Works Cited

During Class
Work time for those who wanted it in the back of the room, and for the people who needed editing, they gathered at the front to edit.
Those who edit:
-Break up each sentence (Topic Sentence, first point, evidence, etc)
-If it's good, highlight the sentence, if it's not, leave blank

Topic Sentence- w/ why
Set up-describes the situation
Lead in- "                 "(     ).Citation, period after the citation
Explain Quote
Connect to paragraph
            *Repeat steps
Concluding Sentence                                                                                                       

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jay Kikkeri Period 5 Scribe 2/24/15

Scribe for Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Today we went time working on the intro paragraph to our synthesis paper. We did a musical chairs type activity where we got to grade one other person's intro. We got a little bit of help with quotations as well. We also had time to work on our first body paragraph.

Things to keep in mind: keep quotations proper, strong word choice, don't say explain a quote by saying "This quote says" or "the speaker is saying" etc. NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS!



Video: tubechop; embed youtube with start and stop times
peer edit intro,
Things to remember: no personal words, no contractions, no hypothetical questions, no questions without answers, citations, lead-ins, etc..., expand your vocabulary
HW: finish first body, make corrections to intro, works cited,

Scribe 2/23/15 Per. 5 Morgan McArdle

Scribe Monday February 23, 2015

We are postponing grammar until next week in order to have maximum work time for our essay.

Finalize quotes for outline and begin working on your intro. Attention Getter- you need to have a strong/engaging title. Add a connection to explain how it connects to your paper. Give brief illustration about each of your books. Never say, “this quote proves”, “this book shows”, “this image demonstrates.” Instead use the person, for example; “Smith proves”, “Orwell shows”, “Doctorow demonstrates."

If you want help with your essay then you can put your name on the list that is on this weeks agenda. Smith will come around and talk to you.

We had the rest of the time for work.

Period 3 Scribe Feb. 24 - Kirk Zieser

Kirk Zieser

  • Finish first body paragraph due tomorrow
  • Make corrections to intro
  • Works cited
What we did in class
  • Work day!
    • 1st body paragraph
  • Take intro, put in a Google Doc that doesn't have the outline.
    • This way, we can get peer info.
    • We played "Musical Chairs" so that we ended up witha random computer to proofread.
    • We left constructive comments on the intro we read.
  • Editing Groups
    • Set up groups of five or so to edit papers (optional)
  • Things to remember
    • No personal words, no contractions, no hypothetical questions, no questions without answers, citations, lead-ins, expand vocab

Due Dates
  • Tuesday - intro due
  • Wednesday - 1st due
  • Thursday - 2nd due
  • Friday - 3rd due
  • Saturday - conclusion due
  • Sunday - website work
  • Monday - proofread
  • Tuesday - proofread some more
  • Wednesday - SUBMIT!!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Scribe 2/19/15 Period 3

-Thesis share aloud
-Begin mapping out paper on your outline
-Intro work: attention getter, thesis, etc
-Give Smith link to your webpage

Due for Tomorrow:
-fix thesis (word choice, etc)
-Grammar quiz tomorrow
-begin website

Due for Monday:
-outline of paper
-give Smith link to your website
-site your sources!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Abbey Hustis Scribe 2/19/15 Period 5

Today's Agenda:
- Thesis goes onto public page to get peer editing
- Put Link for website on group page
- Grammer
Helping peers with their thesis - giving feedback

Work on outline, doesn't have to be done -> due on Monday     
Interactive graphs, ideas to put on your site

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Madeleine Cannon Scribe 2/18/15

2/4/15 Madeleine Cannon


  1. Write Thesis (Due tomorrow)
    1. The outline for the thesis is on the slides for today
  2. Complete outline (Due Monday)
  3. Link your website to your name on this doc
During Class

DOL 13
  • Sentence 1: 1 subject 1 verb
    • Independent clause=SS
  • Sentence 2: 1 subject 1 verb
    •  independent clause=SS
Thesis work
  • Using the outline for the thesis on Mrs. Smith's slides, we each wrote a rough draft of our thesis.
We then got free time for the rest of class to work on our sites and thesis.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Allie Highsmith Scribe 2/17/15

Idea for paper (see presentation- , thesis (due Thursday, preferably), intro paragraph (due Friday, according to the Smith Plan), outline (due Monday), Smith suggests that we have our idea for negative/positive tomorrow, grammar

The grammar sentences for this week are:

  • some of my friends bought me a ticket for the concert
  • ben a former student earned a prestigious teaching scholarship 
Monday grammar work (picture at bottom of page):
  • some- indefinite prn., of-prep., my-possesive prn., friends-n., bought-av., me-prn., a-art., ticket-n., for-prep., the-art., concert- n.
  • ben- N., a-art., former-adj., student-n., earned-av., a-art., prestigious- adj., teaching-participle (verb acting like adjective ending in -ing or -ed), scholarship-n.
Tuesday grammar work (picture at bottom of page): 
  • Some- subject (of my friends)-prep. phrase, friends- object of prep. phrase, bought-verb, ticket- direct object, (for the concert)- prep phrase, concert- object of prep. phrase, me- indirect object
  • ben- subject, (a former student)- appositive phrase, student-object of appositive phrase, earned- verb, scholarship- direct object

Essay- See pictures at bottom of page
  • Make a google doc with the columns: learned, haven't learned, where are we going? 
  • Smith wants connection from 1984, Little Brother, and modern day. 
    • Modern day- see link on Smith's presentation for great example that you can use
  • You can have a moving attention getter (see presentation-
    • give examples of your topic 
  • Look at posters to get ideas
  • Organization
    • 1st body paragraph- learned or not learned (positive or negative)
    • 2nd- not learned or learned  (negative or positive) 
    • 3rd- where are we going (negative or positive)
    • The order in which you present the paragraphs will determine the mood of your essay.
  • Pick one topic from both categories and have 3 examples for it.  
    • What have we learned?
      • Fighting Oppression
        • 1984- Winston and Julia
        • LB- Marcus and Ange
        • Modern- Egypt, Jordan, Crimea
          • "How do you cite a video?" Easy Bib
    • What haven't we learned?
      • Balance between individual and government powers
        • 1984
        • LB
        • Modern
    • Where are we going?
      • Government will always triumph
      • Government will squash individualism 
      • Pull it around with solutions
        • education
        • acceptance of our roles
  • What have we learned? (1984, LB, Modern)
    • When citizens join together, they have a lot of power.
    • To fight oppression 
    • If we let them, the government will continue to take more.
    • We shouldn't trust everything that we hear.
    • To celebrate differences and individuality 
    • To stand up for what we believe in 
    • Your rights can only be taken away if you let them be. 
    • Playing the game of school/life 
      • "Easy way out"
    • How to effectively manipulate technology 
    • The government is active in our lives.  
    • Youth has a large role. 
    • Paranoia has increased. 
    • We must continually change. 
  • What haven't we learned? (1984, LB, Modern)
    • How to balance technology and life
    • Balancing individualism and government powers
    • The importance of privacy to the people 
    • That we choose who is in power
    • Balancing privacy and security
    • Loyalty to beliefs and values
    • War is not peace
    • The value of our freedom
      • You don't know a good thing 
  • Where are we going? (3 Moderns)
    • surveillance 
    • personal rights
    • anti-individualism
    • Govt. will always triumph.

Monday, February 16, 2015

English 9 Honors, 2-13-15, P5 Scribe, Nico Gomez

Scribe: Friday, February 13, 2015
Essential Question:
How can literature motivate social change? How can it challenge the system?
What have we learned? What haven’t we learned? Where are we going?
What Happened in Class:
  • Collect DOL 11
  • DOl 12 quiz
  • Check 18-end questions
  • Final discussion LB
paper ideas,
begin thinking about paper structure and ideas.
Mental health Break Weekend
Examples to get you thinking:


Friday, February 13, 2015

Scribe 2/13/15

We talked a little bit about the paper today. 
Mrs. Smith emphasized that this was our paper and we should decide what we should do. She has posted the next three weeks online so you can take a head start during the three day weekend. Or if you need a mental health break, take a rest and recharge.

We also took the grammar quiz and passed in our grammar sentences.

We also had a fishbowl on chapter 18-the end.

We talked about the ending and what the torture methods they used. Which was worse and why?
We discussed connections in Fahrenheit 451, 1984, and Little Brother. How they acted. Montag and Winston waited and hid almost. On the other hand Marcus fought back and wouldn’t go into hiding with Masha. What makes the difference?
One point was that since systems are not perfect, how would other government positions and programs would be affected? Would others be affected?
Why did Marcus still get charged with stealing the phone? It’s really small especially compared to other things he’s been through.
How have Marcus’s motives changed from the beginning of the book? At first it seemed he was focused on getting Daryl out, so what changed?
What happened to the two other kids that helped Marcus? Did they get in trouble? Did they get overlooked?

Those were just a few questions form the fishbowl to keep in mind.
       If you want to get a head start on your papers
   Online there are some examples from past years if you want to get a head start.

LB 18-end Period 5

Live Blog LB 18-end Period 5

LB 18-end Period 3

Live Blog LB 18-end period 3

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 12, 2015 Period 5 Scribe- Alicia Nguyen

Alicia Nguyen
Scribe 2/12/15

  • First, we did our grammar exercises where we did clauses, punctuation, and diagramming
    • The sentence with the flowers had two ind. clauses= compound sentence
    • T-cap, ^ , after garden, ^’ in don’t, and ^.
    • The sentence with school play had only one ind clause= simple sentence
    • O-cap in On, F-friday, F-February, I, ^. after school.

  • Kenneth: Books in bookroom
  • Debrief on Doctorow
    • Since the skype didn’t work this morning, we are trying to reschedule but since he is such a busy guy, we might not be able to talk to him until April.
Check 13-17 Questions
  • Final fishbowl tomorrow: three Q’s for fishbowl tomorrow 18-end 1 textual Q’s: pull out quotes
    • 2 higher level thinking Q’s; connections to 1984?

  • Next week will be a intense working week with the paper
    • Bring earbuds and get ready to work
  • We watched an interview about an avalanche to get an idea of how to make our paper more interesting because we aren’t turning it in traditionally
  • Smith gave us some free time to explore and tinker around with websites and look at other students’ work from last year.
  • Hw: paper ideas, look over last year’s papers, begin thinking about paper structure and ideas” examples to get you thinking:
Paulsen, Margaret P

Sam W - Scribe 2/12/15 - Period 3

Thursday, February 12th:

Skype Session with Cory Doctorow
Grammar Exercises - Thursday and Friday
New Essay and Examples:


  • Final Fishbowl Tomorrow: 18 - End
  • Grammar Quiz Tomorrow

Cory Doctorow Skype Session

Live Blog LB Cory Doctorow

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cory Doctorow Questions

1) Do you portray yourself as Marcus in Little Brother? Do you have some of the same characteristics as Marcus?
2) Would you consider yourself as a rebel, like Marcus, when you were younger?

Benjamin Franklin Summary Response Outlime

Smith: Sorry I was sitting at home and I just realized I had it on google drive but I didn't post it on blogger until now. (I have proof on the document that it was finished last night so in case you need it) :) 

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Ben Franklin

Benjamin Franklin Summary Response Outline
By: Alyssa Leiby
Ben Franklin, a founding father of the United States and an ambassador to France, denounces those who relinquish their essential freedoms to gain limited safety and argues that they deserve neither the freedoms that they gave up nor the safety they attempted to gain.
In this quote, Benjamin Franklin correctly portrays the consequences of trading fundamental freedoms for brief safety and the contradictory actions of humans when security and freedom overlap. The human brain can become an endless cycle of want and sacrifice. People tend to believe that in order to gain one thing, you have to lose another, whether it’s a value or a concrete object. For example, a blog post written by a popular radio speaker explains that in many cities in the U.S, sledding has been banned for the purpose of preventing injuries and the suing that results from the injuries. The author of the blog wrote, “No one wants children or adults to be injured, but the price to pay for the ‘nanny state’ protection leads to the banning of an innocent activity that could lead to injuries is the loss of freedom” (Scoot). Sledding, a freedom of pursuing happiness, is now being taken away simply to gain potential protection against injury and the loss of money. Although this may seem reasonable, the city is not to blame for a lack of caution on behalf of the people sledding. As the author, Scoot, says, “What part of sliding down a hill on a sled with trees and other obstacles nearby does not alert everyone to possible risk?” (Scoot). If people are going to take for granted their freedom to use common sense and choose to sled in dangerous areas, they do not deserve the safety they could gain from having sledding banned. Even if sledding is prevented, safety cannot be guaranteed if the citizens continue to throw caution to the wind.  Therefore, the citizens want the freedom to have fun in the snow and so they sacrifice safety. But when they discover the consequences of their carelessness they want to sacrifice that freedom for the brief and unguaranteed protection of their money. This is proof that Ben Franklin is correct in his statement that those who give up safety for freedom also give up freedom for safety and thus deserve neither.
However, some would disagree with Benjamin Franklin’s declaration and maintain that even those would who give up important liberties for temporary securities still deserve the right to be free and safe. Those who believe this argue that protection is more important than freedom. In Little Brother, a novel by Cory Doctorow, Mrs. Andersen says, “If the government wants to do something that makes us a little unhappy, or takes away some of our liberty, it’s okay, providing they’re doing it to save our lives” (Doctorow, 209).  It may seem as if freedom is more important than security, but if a citizen gets hurt while enjoying those freedoms it can lead to loss of money, property, and even life. Without security, people can’t feel safe, and if they aren’t safe they can’t experience liberties without getting hurt or dying. Mrs. Andersen agrees when she says, “You lose your liberty and happiness to protect life. If you’ve got life, you might get liberty and happiness later” (Doctorow, 209). She is explaining that if a person has security, that person is protecting their life, which they can then use to enjoy other freedoms. This is something the person deserves because they first gave up their freedom to ensure that they were safe. Based on this evidence, many disagree with Ben Franklin and assert that when people protect their lives, money, and property, they deserve the liberties that will follow.
At first thought, it may seem that a person who sacrifices liberties for security still deserves both what he sacrificed and what he gained. This conclusion seems compelling because it provides an excuse for humanity to trade safety for freedom and freedom for safety. We also cannot deny that it is hard to decide between safety and freedom when the two concepts coexist, and that security and liberty are both extremely important. But the line between security and freedom is far more complicated. The human race has the ability to be safe on their own and they have the freedom to be safe. But if people take for granted their freedom to be safe, they also take for granted the safety of freedom. Where freedom collides with safety, humans don’t know which to choose, and whichever one they chose, they are giving up a freedom and a security. Freedom can be the choice to ignore safety and safety can begin to control freedom. When people pick one, they destroy the other, and so they do not deserve either one.
Benjamin Franklin’s declaration correctly portrays the consequences of trading fundamental freedoms for brief safety and the contradictory actions of humans when security and freedom intertwine.

Works Cited
Doctorow, Cory. Little Brother. 1st ed. New York: Tom Doherty Associates, 2008. Print.
Scoot. "Scoot: Americans Are Taking Away America's Freedoms." Web log post. WWL. N.p., 3 Feb. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. <>.

Scribe - Molly Little

Molly Jordan Little
Scribe: February 11th 2015

Essential Question:
How can literature motivate social change? How can it challenge the system?

In class:
DOL 11:
Discussed connections between 1984 and Little Brother
Worked on posters
  • What have we learned?
  • What haven’t we learned?
  • Where are we going?
Read Through Finish

Finish Book (20-Epilogue)
Think about connections
Think about problems that exist and have been exposed

Meet in Forum period 2 TOMORROW

Questions - Little Brother

1. At what rate do you think we will turn into a 1984 type of society? Have we already reached it?

2. Do you think safety is worth sacrificing for liberty? or the other way around?

Sophie Aldrich Scribe Wednesday 2-11-15 Period 3

Essential Question:
How can literature motivate social change? How can it challenge the system?

What have we learned? What haven’t we learned? Where are we going?

read, think about connections, think about problems that exist and have been exposed, Read 20- epilogue , meet in Forum period 2

In Class:
Connections between 1984 and LB: what have we learned, what haven't we learned, where are we going,
Read 20-Epilogue

Questions for Cory Doctorow- Ji-Wei

1. How did 1984/your life experiences inspire you to write Little Brother?

2. Where do you think our society is headed? (Turning into a 1984 or Little Brother society)


How do you as an author, think that literature can change reality?
How does reality change people's views on security and privacy?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cory Doctorow Question, Thomas Baggerly

How did you structure your book to continue the idea of 1984 with a modern twist?
Did the ideas of hacking technology in the book come from actual technology?
How did you intend to inspire people through this book?

Little Brother Question, Graham Schultz

Are there benefits in being paranoid?

How long do you think it will take for our society to mirror the society in Little Brother?

Cory Doctorow Questions - Alyssa Leiby

1. Do Marcus Yallow's or any other characters in the book reflect your views on society, government, and life? Why/why not?

2. Could you argue for both sides' beliefs and actions(DHS and Xnet Users/Marcus) and if you had to choose one side, whose would you choose in real life today?

Period 3 2-10-15 Scribe Tyla Merrill

Read chapters 18-19.
Questions for Cory Doctorow should be posted to blog.
Meet in forum 2nd period on Thursday.

Sentence 1
1st subject: flowers
1st verb: are
2nd subject: they
2nd verb: do smell
predicate adjective: good
prepositional phrase: in your garden
object of preposition: garden

Sentence 2
subject: i
verb: auditioned
1st prepositional phrase: on friday
1st object of preposition: friday
2nd prepositional phrase: for the school play
2nd object of preposition: play
appositive: february 11, 2011


Ned: Seen as an Australian Robin Hood. Comes from a family of criminals. Believed that he was a victim of corrupt police. Acted against the authority of government. Leader of the Kelly Gang.
Marcus: Main character of Little Brother. Rebels after being accused of terrorism. Doesn’t like the extra security measures that the government begins to put in place.
Chicago 7: Protest the Vietnam War. Arrested for planning a riot. Make a scene even during their trial by randomly reciting poetry and chanting.
Similarities: All are rebellion leaders because they were treated unfairly. They all start on their own and gain help. Ned and Marcus both want revenge, and participate in rock concerts/protests that lead to gassing. Marcus and The Chicago Seven end up hurting innocent civilians in the process or rebellion.

Kira White Questions for Cory Doctorow

1. Was there a specific event in your life that inspired you to write Little Brother?

2. Are any of the characters based off of, or supposed to symbolize characters from 1984?

Cory Doctorow Questions

Why did you choose to write Little Brother and why did you create the characters as they are?

What went into writing Little Brother that you still remember?  What kind of research did you have to do compared to what you already knew and do you feel satisfied with the end result?

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 2015 Period 3 Scribe, Graham Schultz

Monday Grammar
Fishbowl on Little Brother Chapters 13-17

Common Questions

-What have we learned? What haven't we learned? Where are we going?
-How does trust in Little Brother relate to 1984? Can Marcus really trust anyone? Could Winston really trust anyone?
-What makes the need for revenge such a powerful motivator?
-I think that Marcus' infatuation with Ange will be the downfall of him. What do you think?
-What do you think happened to the NSA and the CIA. I feel like they aren't really mentioned much except to refer to the past. They seem to focus solely on the DHS.
-If Masha is an enemy, how can Marcus use her and her belief that he trusts her against her? Do you think that Masha can be trusted?
-Do you think anyone could ever be completely free?
-Should guilt by association even be a legitimate reason to incriminate someone? That's how Marcus got in trouble in the first place - he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
-Should breaking an unfair law still be considered breaking the law?

Homework: read, grammar, questions posted to blog for Cory Doctorow,  presentations tomorrow