Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Molly Jordan Little

Essential question
To what extent to jealousy and betrayal rule our choices / lives or affect our relationships

SAT exercises, essay outline,  Sat test Friday, quotes from sources (cited properly) thesis statement completed and most likely intro paragraph done

Sat lesson 8
Went over questions:
number 2 exercise 3 answer proceed, stop

Done In Class Sign up
Submit paper through this site
All must go to
go create a student account (new student account)
purpose to cite sources and learn about plagiarism
class ID: 8977235
Password: Smith
Use real name
LPS email and password (something you will remember)
this is how you submit final paper in addition to printed out paper

We also watched a video on how connects to google drive (link in power point)

SAS writing revisor (ahswarriors) found in Smith’s Power Point
create your own account login (using LPS info) you can submit paper to this and the site will analyze your paper for you. (you can do this by section)

you can also go to her website under resources - writing reviser -  

We discussed
  • Set up syntheses essay
  • outline
  • Brainstorm Topics
  • Intro
  • Thesis review thesis requirements

For The Essay
Attention Getter- quote cited correctly
(use for citing sources)

Look under “A Long Way Gone” on her webpage- you can see sample essays

Attention Getter
explain it, but do not use lead in or explain ahead of time
explain what attention getter says
then have your thesis after

Thesis statements
title, author, strong verbs, restate question, answer, and why
examples from each book

Ideas discussed in class
what it means to be human
mischief backfires
loss of innocence/importance

loss of innocence as a result of revenge/ deception

anger affects relationships behavior to self/ relationships

causes loss of innocence
war background causes people to act differently and loss of innocence internal wars

manipulation/power of suggestion rule relationships

togetherness coming from tragedy and revenge

loss of innocence/mayhem changes humans

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